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P&L11 - Democracy and the Rule of Law/Representation & Justice: Australian Democracy

Year 11 ATAR

Clickview: Democracy in Australia, an Introduction

Learning all about Australian democracy doesn't have to be dry and boring. It can be dynamic and fun! Using attention-grabbing images and colourful animations, our youthful presenter takes students on a whirlwind tour of the basics of the Australian democratic system. We begin with an overview of Australia's secular representative government and major parties, followed by a step-by-step outline of the electoral process and three levels of government. Next we explore what it means to be an Australian citizen including our duties and responsibilities, and finally we discuss how we can exercise our rights and responsibilities as Australian citizens.


Australia's Political System

Clickview: Our Three Levels of Government

Features a detailed explanation of the roles and responsibilities of the municipal, state and federal levels of government in Australia.



Separation of Powers

The separation of powers is the idea that there are checks and balances on the powers of government. The Australian Constitution creates three arms of government which check each other’s use of power...