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HASS09 Geography - Food Security in Australia: Food Safety & Supply

How safe is food in Australia?

Physical, social and economic access to food in Australia?

We waste so much food that it’s hard to believe! This contributes to excess consumption of freshwater and fossil fuels. One ton of food waste prevention can save 4.2 tons of CO2 equivalent. See also The World Counts for more details as well as information about the statistics that form the basis of this counter.


Food safety is part of food security

What’s the connection between food safety and food security? Food security means having regular access to enough safe and nutritious food to lead an active and healthy life. That makes food safety an integral part of food security.

CITATION: Food and Agriculture Organization. (2022, June 6). Food safety is part of food security [Video]. YouTube.

Food Poisoning

How did you feel when you last got food poisoning, how many cases are there in Australia each year and how do you think you can avoid it?

CITATION: FoodSafetyInformationCouncil. (2022, November 9). Food poisoning [Video]. YouTube.

Climate Change & Food Security | Explained

Food security refers to the state of having constant access to a nutritious and reliable food supply. This can only be achieved once food is available for a person, they can access it and also use it appropriately. Although it may seem easy to achieve this, 1 in 8 people around the world suffer from food insecurity and are malnourished. One of the major challenges the world is experiencing relating to food security today is climate change.

How nutritious is food in Australia?

According to the World Health Organization, undernutrition is linked to around 45% of deaths among children under five years of age. As a form of malnutrition, undernutrition includes wasting (low weight-for-height), stunting (low height-for-age) and being underweight (low weight-for-age).