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English09: The Outsiders [Hinton]: Home

Year 9 + Modified

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According to Ponyboy, there are two kinds of people in the world: greasers and socs. A soc (short for "social") has money, can get away with just about anything, and has an attitude longer than a limousine. A greaser, on the other hand, always lives on the outside and needs to watch his back. Ponyboy is a greaser, and he's always been proud of it, even willing to rumble against a gang of socs for the sake of his fellow greasers—until one terrible night when his friend Johnny kills a soc. The murder gets under Ponyboy's skin, causing his world to crumble and teaching him that pain feels the same whether you are a soc or a greaser.

Preview: Background knowledge

Updated "Outsiders" Background Knowledge

Updated background knowledge as pre-reading for The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. First video available from

SOURCE: Leonard, M (2020, September 3), YouTube,