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English11 - The Happiest Refugee [Do]: Home

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Anh Do (born 2 June 1977) is a Vietnamese-born Australian author, actor, comedian, and artist. He has appeared on many Australian TV shows such as Thank God You're Here and Good News Week, and was runner-up on Dancing With The Stars in 2007. He studied a combined Business Law degree at the University of Technology, Sydney.  ("Anh Do", 2016)

The Happiest Refugee is both Anh Do’s debut in the literary industry, and a bruisingly honest depiction of his life to date. The book begins with Do’s parents meeting and falling in love in war torn Vietnam. In 1980, shortly after the end of the Vietnam War, the infant Anh Do and his family secretly fled their native country of Vietnam and journeyed to a refugee camp in Malaysia and finally to Australia.

Anh Do nearly didn't make it to Australia. His entire family came close to losing their lives on the sea as they escaped from war-torn Vietnam in an overcrowded boat. But nothing - not murderous pirates, nor the imminent threat of death by hunger, disease or dehydration as they drifted for days - could quench their desire to make a better life in a country where freedom existed.

Allen & Unwin