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LIBRARY: Annotated Bibliography


A bibliography is an organised list of sources (e.g. books, journal articles, electronic sources etc.) consulted in the research process. Each item listed in a bibliography includes a citation (i.e author (if available), title, and publication details of the source).

An annotated bibliography is a bibliography with an additional description and/or evaluation (i.e. annotation) of each source which helps the reader evaluate whether the work cited is relevant to a specific research topic. Annotations can be either descriptive or evaluative, or a combination of both.

Descriptive annotations: Summarise the scope and content of a work.

Evaluative annotations: Provide critical comment (and may sometimes include critical reflection.) 

At SSS, along with most schools and Universities in WA, we use the the American Psychologists Association (APA) method of referencing.  

A bibliography should always appear on a separate sheet of paper, at the end of the essay or assignment.  The references/citations for each resource are listed in alphabetical order by the author's last name and initials, or the title if no author, followed by the year of publication in brackets. The information about the resource will differ depending on the format of the resource.  See the detailed explanation on citations on this site.

A quick tour of the what, why, and how of an annotated bibliography.

SOURCE: Lincoln Memorial University. Published on YouTube on Apr 18, 2012