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Aquinas College War Service: 1909 CBC Prefects - War Sacrifice

D.G.C. Cumming

CBC Annual Review 1912, p.65

Australian War Memorial [Image]. Retrieved from

Studio portrait of a group of four servicemen. Identified seated on the far left is Lieutenant (Lt) Derwas Goring Charles Cumming and on the far right is his brother, Lt Redmond Harry Owen Cumming. Derwas Cumming was a 23 year old farmer from Doodlakine, Western Australia prior to enlisting on 23 September 1914. 


CBC Annual, 1917 p. 56

L.G. Glowrey

Australian War Memorial [Image]. Retrieved

Informal photograph of Lieut. L.G. Glowrey taken in Belgium 1916.

CBC Annual, 1919

P.J. Rodriguez

The Soldiers of Barrack Street. [Image]. Retrieved

2nd Lieutenant RODRIGUEZ, Percy John, 23rd Battalion