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Aquinas College War Service: WWI A - J

H.J. Appel

1896-1906 Annual: Christian Brothers' College

1911 Annual: Christian Brothers' College

CBC Annual Review 1912, p. 66

B. Blythe

D.J. Blythe

Australian War Memorial [Image]. Retrieved from

Studio portrait of 863 Driver (Dvr) Drummond James Blythe, 11th Battalion. A telephone linesman of Bunbury, WA, Dvr Blythe died of wounds at sea on 6 June 1915.

W.T. Bryan

CBC Annual 1917, p36

Australia's fighting sons of the Empire : Australia's fighting sons of the Empire: portraits and biographies of Australians in the Great War. Retrieved from

J.H. Clayton

Discovering Anzacs, National Archives of Australia. [Image]. Retrieved from

R.B. Cochrane


Australian War Memorial. [Image]. Retrieved from

D.G.C. Cumming

CBC Annual Review 1912, p.65

Australian War Memorial [Image]. Retrieved from

Studio portrait of a group of four servicemen. Identified seated on the far left is Lieutenant (Lt) Derwas Goring Charles Cumming and on the far right is his brother, Lt Redmond Harry Owen Cumming. Derwas Cumming was a 23 year old farmer from Doodlakine, Western Australia prior to enlisting on 23 September 1914. 


CBC Annual, 1917 p. 56

J.G. Davis (Skene)

Western Mail (Perth, WA : 1885 - 1954), Friday 21 June 1918, page 7 . Retrieved


CBC Annual Review 1912, p.62

Australian War Memorial. [Image]. Retrieved


CBC Annual 1906

CBC Annual 1919, p. 70

F.R. Flindell

Australian War Memorial. [Image]. Retrieved


Studio portrait of 1620 Private (Pte) Frank Richard Flindell, 32nd Battalion. A farmhand from Leederville, Western Australia, he embarked with the 1st Reinforcements from Adelaide on 18 November 1915 aboard HMAT Geelong (A2) for Suez. The battalion relocated to the Western Front, France, during June 1916 and Pte Flindell was transferred to the 8th Light Trench Mortar Battery a month later. He was promoted to Lance Corporal on 12 November 1916 and to Temporary Corporal on 8 March 1917 and then attended the 5th Trench Mortar School during April 1916. He was promoted to Corporal (Cpl) on 1 May 1917. Cpl Flindell was killed in action on 3 May 1917. He has no known grave and he is commemorated on the Villers-Bretonneux Memorial, France. He was aged 23 years.


L.G. Glowrey

Australian War Memorial [Image]. Retrieved

Informal photograph of Lieut. L.G. Glowrey taken in Belgium 1916.

CBC Annual, 1919