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Library Information - Reading: Unwind

Library Information & Guides for English Novels



In the not-too-distant future, teens Connor, Risa, and Lev are on the run for their lives. Following the Second Civil War, between pro-choice and pro-life forces, the United States now allows parents to unwind their unwanted and difficult kids between the ages of thirteen and eighteen: Their bodies are surgically taken apart and all the organs and tissue are used in other people. According to the law, the kids aren't considered dead, they're "living in a divided state." But Connor, Risa, and Lev, and thousands of other teens slated for "unwinding", don't see it that way. They choose instead to "kick AWOL," or run away. Unwind follows these three across the country as they travel together, split up, and meet again when their destinies cross in a Harvest Camp where they are slated to be unwound.

  • AWOL: a runaway teen, scheduled to be unwound, hoping to survive to age 18; said to be "kicking AWOL."
    Bill of Life: the law instituting unwinding.
    Boeuf: a soldier, male or female (from the French word for beef) 
    Chop Shop: the operating room where teens' bodies are surgically taken apart.
    Clappers: suicide-terrorists who have replaced their blood with a nitroglycerin blend. They blow themselves up by clapping their hands.
    Harvest Camp (formerly called "unwinding facilities"): where teenagers awaiting unwinding are housed, as well as where the procedure is performed.
    Humphrey Dunfee: urban legend about an unwind whose parents go crazy from grief and kill all the recipients of their son's body parts, in an attempt to reassemble their son.
    Juvey-cops: Police officer specializing in taking down AWOLs.
    "Living in a divided state": a euphemism for being unwound.
    StaHo: State Homes, orphanages where wards of the state stay until their eighteenth birthday or until they are sent to be unwound.
    Storked: babies who are left on doorsteps. The homeowner is obligated to keep and raise the child.
    Tithe: a child of a religious family who is born and raised to be unwound, as an act of charity. 
    Umber: the socially acceptable way to describe someone who is African American. (In contrast to sienna, the socially acceptable way to describe someone who is Caucasian.)

  • Connor Lassiter: a sixteen-year-old troubled kid. When he learns his parents have signed an unwind order, he runs away in search of a place to hide until he's eighteen years old.
    Risa Ward: fifteen years old, an orphan at a state home. She runs away when the administrators sign the order to have her unwound, and out of necessity joins Connor in seeking safety.
    Lev Calder: the tenth and youngest child of his religious family, a "tithe" who was born to be unwound when he reached his thirteenth birthday. He is "kidnapped" by Connor, who means to save him from his fate.
    Pastor Dan: Lev's minister and his spiritual advisor. Pastor Dan gives Lev support as he approaches his unwinding, but at the moment Connor frees Lev, he urges him to run.
    Hannah Steinberg: the high school teacher who hides Connor and Risa in a classroom.
    Sonia: an antique-store owner who hides AWOL teens in her basement, the first step on their roundabout journey to safety.
    Mai: an AWOL Asian girl whom Connor and Risa meet while in hiding. 
    Roland: a manipulative, ruthless AWOL bully who has continuing confrontations with Connor.
    Hayden: a snarky but thoughtful AWOL with attitude.
    Cyrus Finch (CyFi): a runaway teen encountered by Lev. Cyrus, who received a piece of brain from an unwind, is searching for something the unwound kid in his head is trying to tell him.
    The Admiral: the adult, former U.S. Navy man who runs "the graveyard" where many AWOL teens stay for safety. The Admiral was one of the drafters of the Bill of Life.

Boeing B-52s in storage or awaiting dismantlement in Arizona


Organ Donation

History: Escaping Danger

About the Author

The Unwind Dystology

Neal Shusterman shares the secrets behind the New York Times bestselling Unwind Dystology.