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Library Information - Reading: Tomorrow, When the War Began

Library Information & Guides for English Novels


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About the Author

In Australia alone, a country of fewer than 20 million people, John has sold two and a half million books.
Whilst this was happening, John continued his involvement in education, by teaching full-time for some years, but mostly by visiting thousands of schools to give talks or workshops. In January 1998 he bought a vast bush property just to the north of Melbourne, in the Hanging Rock area, where for eight years he ran very popular writing camps, attracting school groups from as far away as Indonesia, Singapore and Turkey. The success of this venture encouraged him to go further, and at the start of 2006 he launched his own school. Candlebark is a P-8 co-educational school, based to a considerable extent on the principles of Fitzroy Community School in Melbourne. Its numbers are deliberately kept small, in the interests of maintaining a warm and friendly atmosphere, and its philosophy is one of creative lively learning which is purposeful and challenging.

The school has a four-year waiting list.